benzeen example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word benzeen usage in english sentences. The examples of benzeen are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., benzene.

In the presence of oxides of vanadium, molybdenum or chromium supported over alumina get dehydrogenated and cyclised to benzene and its homologues.

Most of such compounds were found to contain benzene ring.
Benzene ring is highly unsaturated but in a majority of reactions of aromatic compounds, the unsaturation of benzene ring is retained.
However, there are examples of aromatic hydrocarbons which do not contain a benzene ring but instead contain other highly unsaturated ring.
Aromatic compounds containing benzene ring are known as benzenoids and those not containing a benzene ring are known as non-benzenoids.
The nomenclature and isomerism of aromatic hydrocarbons has already been discussed in Unit 1 All six hydrogen atoms in benzene are equivalent; so it forms one and only one type of monosubstituted product.
When two hydrogen atoms in benzene are replaced by two similar or different monovalent atoms or groups, three different position isomers are possible.
He became Professor in 1856 and Fellow of Royal Society in 187 He made major contribution to structural organic chemistry by proposing in 1858 that carbon atoms can join to one another to form chains and later in 1865,he found an answer to the challenging problem of benzene structure by suggesting that these chains can close to form rings.
He gave the dynamic structural formula to benzene which forms the basis for its modern electronic structure.
He described the discovery of benzene structure later as: “I was sitting writing at my text book,but the work did not progress; my thoughts were elsewhere.
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