bhakati example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word bhakati usage in english sentences. The examples of bhakati are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., devoutness, devotion, religion, worship, adoration.

Can such a conception be accepted today? In any case, can we refer to any period of history as Hindu or Muslim ? Did not a variety of faiths exist simultaneously in these periods? Why should we characterise an age only through the religion of the rulers of the time? To do so is to suggest that the lives and practices of the others do not really matter.

Rulers built temples to demonstrate their devotion to various deities.
Every citizen has the right to vote, regardless of his or her caste, religion or gender.
Areas of better housing, education and health facilities are more densely populated e.g., Pune Places with religion or cultural significance attract people.
This is particularly so, since the game was linked to the wider history of colonialism and nationalism and was in part shaped by the politics of religion and caste.
For one thing there is already a law banning any appeal to caste and religion in politics.
We discussed how eliminating discrimination based on caste, religion and gender is important in a democracy.
Collective belief in a supernatural agency – religion – was often closely connected with the social and economic organisation of local communities.
These included the worship of new deities, the construction of temples by royalty and the growing importance of Brahmanas, the priests, as dominant groups in society.
This division was based on the idea that the religion of rulers was the only important historical change, and that there were no other significant developments – in the economy, society or culture.
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