bhayaanvita example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word bhayaanvita usage in english sentences. The examples of bhayaanvita are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., afraid, timorous, cowed, skittish, fearful, terrefied.

In smaller localities, the Indians were afraid to show sympathy for advocates of home-rule.

On 6 August 1857, we find a telegram sent by Lieutenant Colonel Tytler to his Commander-in-Chief expressing the fear felt by the British: “Our men are cowed by the numbers opposed to them and the endless figurehting.
The beggar again pulled it to him, blew on his freezing hands, and tapped it with his axe cautiously, as if afraid of hitting his overshoe or of cutting off his finger; the stick of wood again fell to the ground.
When the first schools were opened in the mid-nineteenth century, many people were afraid of them.
Always he is afraid of being arrested and cross-examined.
I'm afraid jewels are few and far between in the wilds of Essex.
How much hay have you stacked? Just think, I felt greedy and had a whole field cut, and now I'm not at all pleased about it because I'm afraid my hay may rot.
At first Timothy appeared to be quite afraid of the puppy, and darted back with a spring if it came too near.
At first Timothy appeared to be quite afraid of the puppy, and darted back with a spring if it came too near.
Those from Rathnam's own caste were fearful of angering the powerful.
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