bhaagbaan example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word bhaagbaan usage in english sentences. The examples of bhaagbaan are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., family.

f a person fails to adjust with members of her/ his family and neighbourhood, we may consider assessing her/his personality characteristics.

There is evidence that environmental deprivation lowers intelligence while rich nutrition, good family background, and quality schooling increases intelligence.
How much of the creative potential can be realised, when and in what specific form and direction is largely determined by environmental factors such as motivation, commitment, family support, peer influences, training opportunities, etc.
Wage labour is seldom used and most of the labour is performed by the family members themselves.
Most of them are helped by their family members and, hence, do not need to hire workers.
Her family will pay for the purchases in the first week of next month.
However, during the days when he is unable to get some work, he and his family really face difficulties and sometimes his small kids have to sleep without food.
The survival of all members of his family depends on his daily earnings from pulling rickshaw.
In this way, Ahmad is able to eke out his survival with less than sufficient earnings for his big family where he is the only earning member.
According to the National Health and Family Survey (NHFS) 1998 99, the number of such women and children is approximately 11 crore.
संबंधित शब्द भाग्बान के पर्यायवाची भाग्बान के विपरीत शब्द