bhaavapradhaan example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of bhaavapradhaan 1. यह भावप्रधान और चपल चाल वाला गीत है।

Given are the examples of hindi word bhaavapradhaan usage in english sentences. The examples of bhaavapradhaan are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., emotional.

For example, in less technologically developed societies, social and emotional skills in relating to people are valued, while in technologically advanced societies, personal achievement founded on abilities of reasoning and judgment is considered to represent intelligence.

The notion of emotional intelligence broadens the concept of intelligence beyond the intellectual sphere/domain and considers that intelligence includes emotions.
What do they lack? Some psychologists believe that the source of their difficulty may be a lack of emotional intelligence.
This concept was first introduced by Salovey and Mayer who considered emotional intelligence as the ability to monitor one s own and other s emotions, to discriminate among them, and to use the information to guide one s thinking and actions .
Emotional Quotient (EQ) is used to express emotional intelligence in the same way as Q is used to express intelligence.
n simple terms, emotional intelligence refers to the ability to process emotional information accurately and efficiently.
Programmes aimed at improving students emotional intelligence have beneficial effects on their academic achievement.
Aptitude, Aptitude tests, Case study, Cognitive assessment system, Componential intelligence, Contextual intelligence, Creativity, Emotional intelligence, Culture-fair test, Experiential intelligence, g-factor, ndividual differences, ntellectual giftedness, ntelligence, ntelligence tests, ntelligence quotient ( Q), nterest, nterview, Mental age (MA), Mental retardation, Observational method, Planning, Psychological test, Simultaneous processing, Situationism, Successive processing, alues.
n contrast, non-western cultures value self-reflection, social and emotional competence as signs of intelligent behaviour.
Psychological, social and emotional factors also play important role in providing motivation.
संबंधित शब्द भावप्रधान के पर्यायवाची भावप्रधान के विपरीत शब्द