bhedeesaara example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Yet this can be done, if we make a little bit of effort.
For example, as concerned citizens we can do our bit by using public transport systems instead of individual vehicles; switching off electricity when not in use, using power-saving devices and using non-conventional sources of energy.
We are a bit large for them to swallow whole and they have no means of chopping us up into bite-size pieces.
You have exerted yourself and have spent quite a bit of your energy.
The following Sunday Lencho came a bit earlier than usual to ask if there was a letter for him.Given are the examples of hindi word bhedeesaara usage in english sentences. The examples of bhedeesaara are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., bit, gimlet, auger, wimble, screw auger.
Once sources are found, learning about the past becomes an adventure, as we reconstruct it bit by bit.स्रोत के प्राप्त होते ही अतीत के बारे में पढ़ना बहुत रोचक हो जाता है, क्योंकि इन स्रोतों की सहायता से हम धीरे-धीरे अतीत का पुनर्निर्माण करते जाते हैं|
Yet this can be done, if we make a little bit of effort.
For example, as concerned citizens we can do our bit by using public transport systems instead of individual vehicles; switching off electricity when not in use, using power-saving devices and using non-conventional sources of energy.
We are a bit large for them to swallow whole and they have no means of chopping us up into bite-size pieces.
You have exerted yourself and have spent quite a bit of your energy.
Harris and I had a bit of a row over it, but at last split the difference, and said half-past six.
Actresses don't work full time, do they? Anyway, that or a fashion designer, you know — something a bit sophisticated”.
” She realised then that Jansie didn't know about the date bit — Geoff hadn't told about that.
I beg your pardon, but an insignificant bit of data floated into my mind about those sandwiches.
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