madhurim example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Usage and Example of madhurim 1. अपने मधुरिम अधरों का *.। 2. मन वीणा पर गुम्फित मधुरिम तान आपके अंगन मेंअनुरंजित कर मानस अपना नव संचार संवारने दें। 3. मधुरिम मंगल गीत सुनाकर। 4. पढ़ रखा था कि एक अप्सरा थी, बहुत ही सुन्दर, सकल विश्व में सुन्दरतम, चिरयौवना, उड़ती सी, मधुरिम, मदिर, लहर सी। 5. पर्वतों से बह रही शांत सी मधुरिम मलय,।
Hot tea could wash and clean up everything so nicely, after all! Marriage gifts are meaningless without the sweet bread known as the bol, just as a party or a feast loses its charm without bread.
So we have all put our pocket-money together and we are going to buy you a lovely green and yellow parrot.
“How refreshing the breeze that blows through them! And how lovely to run across those green fields!” She ran towards the hills but had to stop with a jerk—the rope round her neck wouldn't let her go any further.
They mainly grow tapioca, pineapple and sweet potato.Given are the examples of hindi word madhurim usage in english sentences. The examples of madhurim are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., luscious, lovely, sweet, beautiful.
And suddenly, clean and pure, the song of the whistling thrush emerges like a dark sweet secret from the depths of the ravine.
Hot tea could wash and clean up everything so nicely, after all! Marriage gifts are meaningless without the sweet bread known as the bol, just as a party or a feast loses its charm without bread.
So we have all put our pocket-money together and we are going to buy you a lovely green and yellow parrot.
“How refreshing the breeze that blows through them! And how lovely to run across those green fields!” She ran towards the hills but had to stop with a jerk—the rope round her neck wouldn't let her go any further.
On another occasion, I knocked a soft drink onto the lap of a sweet little lady sitting beside me.
Ethene is a colourless gas with a faint sweet smell.
A lovely old lady, he told me, a bit muddle-headed, but at her age she was entitled to be, wasn't she? A hundred and one years old.
And if the fawn was there, the meeting would be so lovely and so secret that he could not endure to share it.
It was sleek and clean and had a sweet scent of grass.
संबंधित शब्द मधुरिम के पर्यायवाची मधुरिम के विपरीत शब्द