moha example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
4. सरकारी नौकरी के फेर में नहीं छूट रहा अंग्रेजी पढ़ाने का मोह amarujala.com5. मायावती ने कहा कि मौर्य परिवारवाद के मोह में थेibnlive.com6. मायावती ने कहा कि मौर्य परिवारवाद के मोह में थेibnlive.com7. बता दें, मोह मोह के धागे.. (दम लगा के हईसा), सवार लूं (लूटेरा), जरा जरा टच मी (रेस) जैसे पॉपुलर गानों को अवाज देने वाली मोनाली एक्टिंग में भी सक्रिय हैं bhaskar.com8. भिक्कमपुर गांव में गंगा किनारे बकरियां चरा रहा किशोर साथियों संग नदी में नहाने का मोह नहीं छोड़ सका jagran.com9. लोगों का मानना है कि यहां एक अंग्रेज मेजर और उसके बच्चों की रुह घूमती है… - कोटा के सिविल लाइन्स, नयापुरा में स्थित बृजराज भवन पैलेस अपनी खूबसूरती से सभी सैलानियों का मन मोह लेता है bhaskar.com10. शुरुआती दिनों में उन्होंने मजदूरी भी की, लेकिन फिल्मों का मोह छोड़ नहीं सके bhaskar.comUsage and Example of moha 1. एक बार मेरे मन में बड़ा मोह उत्पन्न हुआ उस लड़के के लिए। 2. कवि को यह बाल सुलभ संज्ञान मोह लेता है। 3. माया और मोह का यह संग्राम अंधकार में विलीन हो गया। 4. मोह न पाण्डे य ने ‘पहाड की चेली’ और हीरा सिंह विष्ट ने ‘हरि या साड़ी वाई ’ गीत गाया। 5. संसार में फंसी हो मोह में जकड़ी हो. तुमने अपने बच्चों को ऐसा क्या दे दिया ?
Ah, that s the great trouble with Alsace; she puts off learning till tomorrow.
Reji s suffering shows how a hospital, due to negligence by the doctors and staff in giving anaesthesia, crippled a student for life.
Rulers built temples to demonstrate their devotion to various deities.
For example, if an individual gets promotion in the organisation, it satisfies him psychologically more as he gets a feeling of elevation, increase in status, increase in authority, challenge in the job etc.
It is an internal feeling of an individual and leads to goal directed behaviour.
It was really a sad feeling to sit there and not get anything while everybody else had won something, Ebright said.
It is a good sound to read by the rain outside, the quiet within and, although tin roofs are given to springing unaccountable leaks, there is a feeling of being untouched by, and yet in touch with, the rain.
Why was it so? Was it for the love of the loaf? Not at all.
And why should we? Who would take the trouble of plucking the mango-leaf for the toothbrush? And why was it necessary at all? The tiger never brushed his teeth.Latest मोह moha news and headlines :
1. मुलायम भाई और बेटे के मोह में फंसे: सुधांशुlivehindustan.com2. VIDEO: यहां दिव्यांग बच्चों ने रंगारंग गरबा से मोह लिया सबका दिलlivehindustan.com3. प्रदेश सरकार रिटायर होने वाले अपने खास अधिकारियों कर्मचारियों पर मेहरबानी का मोह छोड़ नहीं पा रहीamarujala.comGiven are the examples of hindi word moha usage in english sentences. The examples of moha are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., ignorance, delusion, phantom, fallibility, misconception, confusion, see things, mistake, misapprehension, misunderstanding, fallacy, illusion, love, valentine, feeling, devotion, sorrow, pain, bitterness, distress, suffering, affliction, worry, sadness, hardship, sorrowfulness, unhappiness, agony, harassment, annoyance, travail, purgatory, trouble, discomfort, unconsciousness, uncounsciousness, blackout, insensibility.
t is the feeling side of intelligence.
Ah, that s the great trouble with Alsace; she puts off learning till tomorrow.
Reji s suffering shows how a hospital, due to negligence by the doctors and staff in giving anaesthesia, crippled a student for life.
Rulers built temples to demonstrate their devotion to various deities.
For example, if an individual gets promotion in the organisation, it satisfies him psychologically more as he gets a feeling of elevation, increase in status, increase in authority, challenge in the job etc.
It is an internal feeling of an individual and leads to goal directed behaviour.
It was really a sad feeling to sit there and not get anything while everybody else had won something, Ebright said.
It is a good sound to read by the rain outside, the quiet within and, although tin roofs are given to springing unaccountable leaks, there is a feeling of being untouched by, and yet in touch with, the rain.
Why was it so? Was it for the love of the loaf? Not at all.
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