rnjoora example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word rnjoora usage in english sentences. The examples of rnjoora are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., patient, case, sick, invalid, sad, stricken, bad, unhappy, down, blue, grey, painful.

animals move from place to place — either in search of smaller prey, or, in the case of deer and wild cattle, in search of grass and leaves.जानवर अपने शिकार के लिए या फिर हिरण और मवेशी अपना चारा ढूँढ़ने के लिए एक जगह से दूसरी जगह जाया करते हैं|

The above case is an example of a successful organisation which is amongst the top companies in India.
As you have seen from the above example and case study that management is an activity which is necessary wherever there is a group of people working in an organisation.
, cutting down cost but not achieving the target production.
This is a case of being efficient but not effective since the goods did not reach the market.
In a factory, a product is manufactured, in a garment store a customer s need is satisfied and in a hospital a patient is treated.
The E-Chaupal initiative has found its way into the Harvard Business School as a leading case study illustarating the use of modern technology by a leading business house for the benefit of the rural poor.
There are several associations of practising managers in India, like the AIMA (All India Management Association) that has laid down a code of conduct to regulate the activities of their members.
For a moment, think of a world around you where each and every object is of the same colour, say red or blue or green.
On the other hand, informal assessment varies from case to case and from one assessor to another and, therefore, is open to subjective interpretations.
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