relagaadee example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest रेलगाडी relagaadee news and headlines :
1. खुद की एयरलाइंस बनाना चाहते थे ये महाराज.... ग्वालियर रियासत के अंतिम महाराजा जीवाजी राव की 26 जून को जयंती है, इस मौके पर प्रस्तुत कर रहा है, उनके जीवन से जुड़े कुछ अनकहे पहलू.... - सिंधिया राजवंश के अंतिम महाराजा जीवाजीराव सिंधिया, अपने पिता महाराजा माधवराव सिंधिया की देन रेलगाड़ी के फिक्स टाइमटेबल से आजादी चाहते थे bhaskar.com2. जीवाजीराव के पिता महाराजा माधवराव सिंधिया द्वितीय, रियासत के लिए रेलगाड़ी लाए थे, तो महाराज जीवाजीराव सिंधिया को एयरोप्लेन में शौक था bhaskar.com3. रेलगाडी की चपेट में आने से महिला की मौत LiveHindustan
Usage and Example of relagaadee 1. सब एक दूसरे की धोती कुरते का छोर पकड़ कर रेलगाडी के डिब्बों की तरह चल रहे थे। 2. 2. रेलगाडी द्वारा पहले देश के किसी भी स्थान से भोपाल पहुंचे। 3. राजधानी से लौटते समय रेलगाडी ख़चाखच भरी थी। 4. सरिस्का आने के लिये आप जयपुर या अलवर से रेलगाडी से भी पहुंच सकते हैं। 5. रेलगाडी रामेश्वरम तक आती-जाती है।

Given are the examples of hindi word relagaadee usage in english sentences. The examples of relagaadee are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., train.

Do you know that people first travelled by train only about 150 years ago?पता है लोगों ने मात्र डेढ़ सौ साल पहले रेल से यात्रा करनी शुरू की थी?

Watching someone sip a cup of tea at a roadside tea stall you may wonder when did people begin to drink tea or coffee? Looking out of the window of a train you may ask yourself when were railways built and how did people travel long distances before the age of railways? Reading the newspaper in the morning you may be curious to know how people got to hear about things before newspapers began to be printed.
Foreign experts were brought to train Japanese professionals.
However, when there is a shortage of space, people are forced to maintain much smaller physical distance from each other (for instance, in a lift, or in a train compartment where there are too many people).
Then the two of them boarded a train for the city of Patna in Bihar.
The train arrived at midnight, 15 April 191 Kripalani was waiting at the station with a large body of students.
The government has also set up a wide variety of organisations to collect and disseminate information about international markets, promote exports of specific products, train executives of international business firms, and ensure proper quality and packaging of export goods.
These include being involved in a variety of extreme events such as a fire, train or road accident, robbery, earthquake, tsunami, etc.
Secret societies sprang up in many European states to train revolutionaries and spread their ideas.
your motion? Paheli recalls that when she is in a moving train the nearby trees and buildings appear to move in the backward direction.
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