roaan example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word roaan usage in english sentences. The examples of roaan are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., lint, fluff, pile, fur, hair.

On the footpath in front of the Madras Mount Road Post Office, there was a pile of brand new books for fifty paise each.

But will it achieve the rendezvous in time and at the right place? Will the remote control detonation work? What if the gigantic nuclear pile fails to fire? Duttada could not share his anxieties with anyone around him.
Then one evening, as Sergei was standing at the ticket window of a theatre paying for his seat, he noticed a little man beside him with a coat collar of curly fur and a worn sealskin cap.
They rose like windblown balls of fluff and were lost in the smoky grey of the wintry city.
She entered, followed by a valet, carrying on his arm a big fur coat.
'' He accepted the fur coat, which the valet handed him with a deep bow, threw it over his rags, and followed the young lady out to the carriage, without granting the astonished blacksmiths so much as a glance.
Still others were expert trappers through whom European traders had secured their supplies of beaver fur since the sixteenth century.
From the head to the tip of the tail he was coated with symmetrical pointed scales of mud armour, between whose tips was visible a soft velvet fur like that of a chocolate-brown mole.
The halwai opened up a whole newspaper and heaped a pile of jalebis on it.
The animals have thick fur and thick skin to protect themselves from the cold climatic conditions, seal, walruses, musk-oxen, Arctic owl, Polar bear and snow foxes are some of the animals found here.
संबंधित शब्द रोआँ के पर्यायवाची रोआँ के विपरीत शब्द

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