latatha example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word latatha usage in english sentences. The examples of latatha are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., log.

Corporate Defense Strategies (CDS) of Maywood, New Jersey, advised the firm to install a software program that could secretly log every single stroke of the suspects' computer keys and send an encrypted e-mail report to CDS.

Next he saw the pseudo-teacher seat himself on a log and become lost in thought with his red cheeks resting on his fists.
If not, you may log on to the websites of these institutions .
They slashed and burnt forests, pulled out the stumps, cleared the land for cultivation, and built log cabins in the forest clearings.
The main part of the plough is a long log of wood which is called a ploughshaft.
In order to get the details of bank-related statistics or a particular detail of a bank, you can log on to the websites of Reserve Bank of India (www.
One can define three principle phases of growth – the lag, the log and the senescent phase.
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