vnshee example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of vnshee 1. देखते नहीं हो, उधर कैसी चैन की वंशी बज रही है, वह तो मना ही रही थीं कि किसी तरह यह सब अलग हो जाऍं। 2. वही मोहिनी गउऍं थीं, वही गोपियों की जल-क्रीड़ा, वहीं वंशी की मधुर ध्वनि, वही शीतल चॉँदनी और वहीं प्यारा नन्दकिशोर! 3. वंशीधर पर ऐश्वर्य की मोहिनी वंशी का कुछ प्रभाव न पडा। 4. पाञ्चजन्य का नाद हो, केवल वंशी की तान नहीं। 5. वही मोहिनी गउऍं थीं, वही गोपियों की जल-क्रीड़ा, वहीं वंशी की मधुर ध्वनि, वही शीतल चॉँदनी और वहीं प्यारा नन्दकिशोर!

Given are the examples of hindi word vnshee usage in english sentences. The examples of vnshee are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., flute, reed, pipe.

He also got a chance to work during the summer at the entomology laboratory of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research.

Kathmandu is vivid, mercenary, religious, with small shrines to flower-adorned deities along the narrowest and busiest streets; with fruit sellers, flute sellers, hawkers of postcards; shops selling Western cosmetics, film rolls and chocolate; or copper utensils and Nepalese antiques.
I look at the flute seller standing in a corner of the square near the hotel.
From time to time he stands the pole on the ground, selects a flute and plays for a few minutes.
There is no culture that does not have its flute — the reed neh, the recorder, the Japanese shakuhachi, the deep bansuri of Hindustani classical music, the clear or breathy flutes of South America the high-pitched Chinese flutes.
Yet to hear any flute is, it seems to me, to be drawn into the commonality of all mankind, to be moved by music closest in its phrases and sentences to the human voice.
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