vaad example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word vaad usage in english sentences. The examples of vaad are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., girth, cordon, cordon off, fence, circumference, periphery, pen, circle, round, girdle, enclosure, splotch, splodge, fold, stall, guard, radius, circuit, brim, abatis, abattis.

The pen is in the hand. There is ink in the pen.क़लम हाथ में है| क़लम में स्याही है|

The pen and paper are on the table.क़लम और काग़ज़ मेज़ पर हैं|
Hold the pen in the hand.हाथ में क़लम लो|
Hamel went on to talk of the French language, saying that it was the most beautiful language in the world the clearest, the most logical; that we must guard it among us and never forget it, because when a people are enslaved, as long as they hold fast to their language it is as if they had the key to their prison.
Hamel had new copies for us, written in a beautiful round hand France, Alsace, France, Alsace.
Watching someone sip a cup of tea at a roadside tea stall you may wonder when did people begin to drink tea or coffee? Looking out of the window of a train you may ask yourself when were railways built and how did people travel long distances before the age of railways? Reading the newspaper in the morning you may be curious to know how people got to hear about things before newspapers began to be printed.
asco da Gama, a Portuguese sailor, was one of those who sailed across the Atlantic to the African coast, went round it, crossing over to the Indian Ocean.
The security guard looked at them as if he wanted to stop them but he did not say anything.
Within a family or vertical column of the periodic table, the atomic radius increases regularly with atomic number as illustrated in Figureure 4(b).
The cation with the greater positive charge will have a smaller radius because of the greater attraction of the electrons to the nucleus.
संबंधित शब्द वाड के पर्यायवाची