vidra example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word vidra usage in english sentences. The examples of vidra are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., pore, cavity, puncture, vent, valve, aperture, cell, leak, aperture, hole, prick, eye, opening, nick, pierce, prick, spring a leak, drill, bore.

Each cell is expected to have at least one factor or ability; some cells may have more than one factor.

Usually, when school began, there was a great bustle, which could be heard out in the street, the opening and closing of desks, lessons repeated in unison, very loud, with our hands over our ears to understand better, and the teacher s great ruler rapping on the table.
For example, pressure cookers have a safety valve which, if it is defective, can cause a serious accident.
The manufacturers of the safety valve have to ensure high quality.
Next it was heated, and a tiny hole was made in the clay cover.
A year-and-a-half later, during his junior year, Ebright got the idea for his new theory about cell life.
When he saw those photos, Ebright didn t shout, Eureka! or even, I ve got it! But he believed that, along with his findings about insect hormones, the photos gave him the answer to one of biology s puzzles: how the cell can read the blueprint of its DNA.
DNA is the substance in the nucleus of a cell that controls heredity.
His high school research into the purpose of the spots on a monarch pupa eventually led him to his theory about cell life.
Where average stock refers to arithmetic average of opening and closing stock, and the cost of goods sold means sales less gross profit.
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