vidruti example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word vidruti usage in english sentences. The examples of vidruti are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., stampede, escape, leg it, make off, fly, take off, race, break loose, chase, take flight, hop it, evasion, run away, leg, shirk, retreat, run for it, clear out, clear off, shrink from, take to flight, thaw, dilute, melt, fuse, run, unthaw, unfreeze, give, thaw, dethaw, snuff out, degrade, kill off, burst, fall, fall victim, tumble down, go up.

Men and women moved in search of livelihood, as also to escape from natural disasters like floods or droughts.कभी लोग काम की तलाश में तो कभी प्राकृतिक आपदाओं के कारण एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान जाया करते थे|

There are several animals that run faster than us and many that are stronger.ऐसे कई जानवर हैं, जो हमसे ज़्यादा तेज़ भाग सकते हैं और बहुत-से जानवर हम से ज़्यादा ताकतवर भी होते हैं|
Don't run here and there often.अक्सर इधर उधर मत दौड़ो|
The horses run fast while the bullocks walk slowly.घोड़े तेज़ दौड़ते हैं जबकि बैल धीरे-धीरे चलते हैं|
The task of a manager is to give a common direction to the individual effort in achieving the overall goal of the organisation.
For example, to take the test scheduled by your teacher, you would have to set goals, plan a time schedule of study, get clarifications in case of problems and if you are not able to tackle the chapters assigned for the test, you may have to think of other ways (e.g., give more time, study with a friend, etc.
pulation in such a way that the scores of most people tend to fall in the middle range of the distribution.
erbal tests require subjects to give verbal responses either orally or in a written form.
Those who are outstanding in their creativity may give an indication about the direction in which their creativity lies through their self-chosen activities.
Within the category of industrial goods also output of different kinds of goods tend to rise or fall simultaneously.
संबंधित शब्द

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