vivndhana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word vivndhana usage in english sentences. The examples of vivndhana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., curb, retention, restriction, barrier, repression, brake, skid, suppression, pause, check, restraint, brake shoe, retardation, drag, block, bridle, nexus, fetter, mooring, fastener, tying, lashing, chain, shackle, shackles, trammel, fastening, bond, trammels, knot, obstacle, interruption, stoppage, barricade, bar, kibosh, force.

To be able to practice in India lawyers have to become members of the Bar Council which regulates and controls their activities.

There is no restriction on anyone being designated or appointed as manager in any business enterprise.
nterpersonal (sensitivity to subtle aspects of others behaviours) : This is the skill of understanding the motives, feelings and behaviours of other people so as to bond into a comfortable relationship with others.
Those with Q below 70 are suspected to have mental retardation , while persons with Q above 130 are considered to have exceptional talents.
The American Association on Mental Deficiency (AAMD) views mental retardation as significantly sub-average general intellectual functioning existing concurrently with deficits in adaptive behaviour and manifested during the developmental period .
ndividuals who are categorised as having mental retardation show significant variation in their abilities, ranging from those who can be taught to work and function with special attention, to those who cannot be trained and require institutional care throughout their lives.
The different levels of retardation are: mild retardation ( Qs 55 69), moderate retardation ( Qs 40 54), severe retardation ( Qs 25 39), and profound retardation ( Qs below 25).
Although the development of people with mild retardation is typically slower than that of their peers, they can function quite independently, hold jobs and families.
As the level of retardation increases, the difficulties are strongly marked.
The people with moderate retardation lag behind their peers in language and motor skills.
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