veeranaayaka example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word veeranaayaka usage in english sentences. The examples of veeranaayaka are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., special.

She has to plan a special festive collection for Diwali and Christmas.

For example, the goal of a retail store may be to increase sales, but the goal of The Spastics Society of India is to impart education to children with special needs.
Over a period of time, it has grown into a dynamic subject with its own special characteristics.
Praising their effort, Suhasini suggested that they keep the silk bedcovers for special occasions like Diwali and Christmas and offer the cotton bedcovers on a regular basis.
n this chapter, you will study the nature of intelligence, changing definitions of intelligence, cultural differences in intelligence, range and variations in the intellectual competencies of people, and the nature of special abilities or aptitudes.
ndividuals who are categorised as having mental retardation show significant variation in their abilities, ranging from those who can be taught to work and function with special attention, to those who cannot be trained and require institutional care throughout their lives.
To reach their full potential, gifted children require special attention and different educational programmes beyond those provided to normal children in regular classrooms.
Aptitude refers to special abilities in a particular field of activity.
There are many goods and services that we purchase that require special attention to safety.
In Tata Steel several initiatives have been taken to further improve the motivation levels and participation in the decision making process of the officers, greater impetus to training through a formalised system of a personal development programme, talent review and job rotation systems, compensation linked to the performance management system, formal rewards and recognition systems, knowledge management systems linked with appraisals, leadership opportunities in quality circles, continuous improvement and value engineering programmes and an extremely transparent and credible multi-path communication system to address queries and concerns of all employees through various dialogues both formal and online, with such tools as video conferencing, MD Online , special dialogues with senior management, meetings, conferences and seminars.
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