voorna example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word voorna usage in english sentences. The examples of voorna are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., elect.

Our Constitution entitles every citizen to elect its representative and to be elected as a representative.

oters in a geographical area who elect a representative to the legislative bodies.
Lyngdoh Madam: “I agree with you that the situation will change if people show more care and alertness to reject corrupt and bad politicians and elect the right ones.
All the Members of Parliament (MPs) and Members of State Legislative Assemblies (MLAs) elect her.
Sometimes people cannot even elect very different leaders either, because the same set of leaders keep shifting from one party to another.
All adults in India have the equal right to vote during elections and this 'power over the ballot box' has been used by people to elect or replace their representatives.
Therefore, they elect a Board of Directors as their representative to manage the affairs of the company.
The voters who live in an area elect one representative.
Our Constitution entitles every citizen to elect its representative and to be elected as a representative.
oters in a geographical area who elect a representative to the legislative bodies.
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