vrritakhand example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word vrritakhand usage in english sentences. The examples of vrritakhand are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., sector.

Each area is divided into several small distribution sectors and each sector is handled by a particular person.

The above activity can be done for any sector such as software export house, or an auto company.
The teacher should do some preparation in finding out the actual activities with the help of Internet and printed material relevant to the sector which is selected.
For certain purposes the interdependence of (or even rivalry between) two sectors of the economy (agriculture and industry, for example) or the relationships between sectors (like the household sector, the business sector and government in a democratic setup) help us understand some things happening to the country s economy much better, than by only looking at the economy as a whole.
Apart from the firms and the government, there is another major sector in an economy which is called the household sector.
The external sector is the fourth important sector in our study.
Trade with the external sector can be of two kinds The domestic country may sell goods to the rest of the world.
These could be for the protection of workers in the unorganised sector or to protect people from high interest rates charged by moneylenders in the informal sector.
For example, moneylenders in the informal sector that you read about in Chapter 3 adopt various tricks to bind the borrower: they could make the producer sell the produce to them at a low rate in return for a timely loan; they could force a small farmer like Swapna to sell her land to pay back the loan.
Similarly, many people who work in the unorganised sector have to work at a low wage and accept conditions that are not fair and are also often harmful to their health.
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