vyadha example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word vyadha usage in english sentences. The examples of vyadha are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., traumatise, pain, hurt, bruise, kill, do a mischief, chop at, traumatize, cut, penetration, breakthrough, dint, aggression, knock, jerk, crack, blow, stroke, chop, shock, offence, coup, jerkiness, accent, dash, beat, wound, wherret, whap, concussion.

The palm leaves were cut into pages and tied together to make books.किताब बनाने के लिए ताड़ के पत्तों को काटकर उनके अलग-अलग हिस्सों को एक साथ बाँध दिया जाता था|

Some tools were used to chop wood, which was used as firewood. Wood was also used to make huts and tools.कुछ औज़ारों से लकड़ियाँ काटी जाती थीं| लकड़ियों का उपयोग ईंधन के साथ-साथ झोपड़ियाँ और औज़ार बनाने के लिए भी किया जाता था|
Manifestations of creativity can be observed in a novel solution to a problem, an invention, composition of a poem, painting, new chemical process, an innovation in law, a breakthrough in preventing a disease and the like.
The Great Depression, which dealt a blow to the economies of developed countries, had provided Keynes with the inspiration for his writings.
Generally insect pests attack the plants in three ways: they cut the root, stem and leaf, they suck the cell sap from various parts of the plant, and they bore into stem and fruits.
They include strict cleaning of the produce before storage, proper drying of the produce first in sunlight and then in shade, and fumigation using chemicals that can kill pests.
Bodhidharma, an ancient Buddhist ascetic, cut off his eyelids because he felt sleepy during meditations.
The penetration of a 2s-electron to the nucleus is more than that of a 2p-electron; hence the 2p electron of boron is more shielded from the nucleus by the inner core of electrons than the 2s electrons of beryllium.
The penetration of a 2s-electron to the nucleus is more than that of a 2p-electron; hence the 2p electron of boron is more shielded from the nucleus by the inner core of electrons than the 2s electrons of beryllium.
The duty of Asokamitran in Gemini Studios was to cut out newspaper clippings on a wide variety of subjects and store them in files.
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