shahateer example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Usage and Example of shahateer 1. इस मंदिर का शहतीर इस प्रकार बना हुआ है कि यह विस्मय और कौतुहल का एक साथ बोध कराता है। 2. आज के आधुनिक ईंट, पत्थर, बजरी व सीमेंट के कंक्रीट शहरी जंगल में घरों मे न तो शहतीर होते हैं और न ही उन पर डाली जाने वाली कडिय़ां या बाले।
It had a tiled roof with long supporting gables that rested on the beam over the wall.
The local people need large quantities of firewood, small timber and thatch.
Based on structure and the materials used, dams are classified as timber dams, embankment dams or masonry dams, with several subtypes.
Forest timber could be cut for export, animals hunted for skin, mountains mined for gold and minerals.Given are the examples of hindi word shahateer usage in english sentences. The examples of shahateer are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., timber, girder, rafter, ridgepole, beam, sleeper.
The Chipko movement's memorandum of demands included six principles: (a) only specific trees and vegetation suitable for a particular geographical region should be grown, (b) forests in landslide and soil erosion zones need to be identified and renewed, (c) those who have been customarily living near the forests and depending on them for survival should be given the right to do so, (d) the contractor system for commercial timber exploitation should be abolished, (e) trees used by the villagers must be planted near the villages, and (f) village cottage industries based on minor forest products should be set up to provide jobs to locals for checking migration from villages.
It had a tiled roof with long supporting gables that rested on the beam over the wall.
The local people need large quantities of firewood, small timber and thatch.
Based on structure and the materials used, dams are classified as timber dams, embankment dams or masonry dams, with several subtypes.
The other end is attached to a beam which is placed on the bulls' necks.
Mukesh's eyes beam as he volunteers to take me home, which he proudly says is being rebuilt.
Janu, an Adivasi activist, has also pointed out that one of the violators of Constitutional rights guaranteed to tribal people are governments in the various states of India – for it is they who allow non-tribal encroachers in the form of timber merchants, paper mills etc, to exploit tribal land, and to forcibly evict tribal people from their traditional forests in the process of declaring forests as reserved or as sanctuaries.
They are a source of medicinal plants, timber and many other useful products.
Through these Acts some forests which produced commercially valuable timber like deodar or sal were declared 'Reserved'.
संबंधित शब्द शहतीर के पर्यायवाची शहतीर के विपरीत शब्द