shvaasaa example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
To achieve this target the manager has to operate on double shifts due to power failure most of the time.
The Oxford Dictionary explains intelligence as the power of perceiving, learning, understanding, and knowing.
The picture here tries to suggest that Indians willingly gave over their ancient texts to Britannia the symbol of British power as if asking her to become the protector of Indian culture.
These companies with huge wealth, power and reach can manipulate the market in various ways.
As the Mughals began to extend their power to Golconda their representative, the governor Mir Jumla who was also a merchant, began to play off the Dutch and the English against each other.Given are the examples of hindi word shvaasaa usage in english sentences. The examples of shvaasaa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., breath, wind, sigh, staying power, weight, power, the breath of life, oxygen.
People select plants that yield large-size grain, and have strong stalks, capable of bearing the weight of the ripe grain.लोग उन्हीं पौधों को चुनते हैं जिनसे बड़े दाने वाले अनाज पैदा होते हैं साथ ही जिनकी मज़बूत डंठले अनाज के पके दानों के भार को संभाल सकें|
To achieve this target the manager has to operate on double shifts due to power failure most of the time.
The Oxford Dictionary explains intelligence as the power of perceiving, learning, understanding, and knowing.
The picture here tries to suggest that Indians willingly gave over their ancient texts to Britannia the symbol of British power as if asking her to become the protector of Indian culture.
These companies with huge wealth, power and reach can manipulate the market in various ways.
However, the European Companies used their naval power to gain control of the sea trade and forced Indian traders to work as their agents.
Ultimately, the English emerged as the most successful commercial and political power in the subcontinent.
They want to remain in power or get power and positions for themselves.
This becomes clear if we ask a basic question: Can a party win an election and come to power not because it has popular support but through electoral malpractices? This is a vital question.
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