sanpareekshitr example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word sanpareekshitr usage in english sentences. The examples of sanpareekshitr are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., tester.

ndividual tests allow people to answer orally or in a written form or manipulate objects as per the tester s instructions.

In Class I, we made a tester (Figureure1 1) to test whether a particular material allows the electric current to pass through it or not.
Do you recall how the tester helped us in deciding that? We found that metals such as copper and aluminium conduct electricity whereas materials such as rubber, plastic and wood do not conduct electricity.
However, so far we have used our tester to test materials which were in solid state.
When the liquid between the two ends of the tester allows the electric current to pass, the circuit of the tester becomes complete.
When the liquid does not allow the electric current to pass, the circuit of the tester is not complete and the bulb does not glow.
As a result, the circuit of the tester may be complete and yet the current through it may be too weak to make the bulb glow.
Can we make another tester which can detect a weak current? We can use another effect of an electric current to make another kind of tester.
Can we make a tester using the magnetic effect of currents? Let us find out.
He cut a potato into two halves and inserted the copper wires of a tester into it.
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