sandarbh example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Usage and Example of sandarbh 1. नये नये सन्दर्भ बनाया करती थीं आगत के नित कोरे श्वेता आँचल पर। 2. आज के सन्दर्भ में इस, ईश्वर या सृष्टि कैसे बनी जानने का जीवन में क्या लाभ? 3. 'नये-पुराने' ने गीत के सन्दर्भ में जो सामग्री अपने अब तक के छह अंकों। 4. सन्दर्भ नए साकार करें। 5. ढूंढोगे तो सन्दर्भ भी मिल जायेंगे,।
The cultural environment provides a context for intelligence to develop.
ygotsky, a Russian psychologist, has argued that culture provides a social context in which people live, grow, and understand the world around them.
Culture provides a context for intellectual development.
This chapter proposes to discuss the issue of consumer rights within the context of the ways markets operate in our country.Given are the examples of hindi word sandarbh usage in english sentences. The examples of sandarbh are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., context, reference, relation.
Case Study is an in-depth study of the individual in terms of her/his psychological attributes, psychological history in the context of her/his psychosocial and physical environment.
The cultural environment provides a context for intelligence to develop.
ygotsky, a Russian psychologist, has argued that culture provides a social context in which people live, grow, and understand the world around them.
Culture provides a context for intellectual development.
In the context of management of an organisation, directing refers to the process of instructing, guiding, counselling, motivating and leading people in the organisation to achieve its objectives.
In the context of existing economic system, money has become a means to satisfy the physical needs of daily life and also of obtaining social position and power.
A ratio is a mathematical number calculated as a reference to relationship of two or more numbers and can be expressed as a fraction, proportion, percentage, and a number of times.
ocabulary enrichment has been attempted through a variety of tasks on the usage of words closely related in meaning, matching words to meanings, word building (including phrasal verbs), and reference to the dictionary.
In chapter 14, you have learnt about the fundamentals of creating a database design in the context of accounting system.
संबंधित शब्द सन्दर्भ के पर्यायवाची