sandook example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of sandook 1. चटपट सन्दूक खोलकर दो-तीन मोटे-मोटे लिहाफ लाकर कुंअर साहब को ओढा दिये। 2. इन्हीं के अविश्वास के कारण पिछले साल बैंक का रूपया सन्दूक से बाहर न निकल सका था, ओर अब वही रंग फिर दिखायी देता था। 3. उनकी गाढ़े की चादरें, खद्दर के कुरते, पाजामें और लिहाफ अभी तक सन्दूक में संचित थे। 4. सन्दूक भी बन्द पडे है। 5. तकिये के नीच से सन्दूक की कुँजी उठायी तो कागज का एक टुकड़ा निकल आया यह रम्भा की विदा की चिट्टी थी-।

Given are the examples of hindi word sandook usage in english sentences. The examples of sandook are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., box, package, trunk, chest, attache case.

The box given below illustrates how a company can fulfill its social responsibility.

The qualities of good leaders as identified by some researchers are shown in the box in previous page.
A tree creeper moves rapidly up the trunk of the oak tree, snapping up insects all the way.
He was a round little man with a red face and a whole box of tools with dials and wires.
Excluding urban places more than two-thirds of the villages in India have already been covered with Subscriber Trunk Dialling (STD) telephone facility.
A list of valid values can be displayed using a list box or combo box.
Text box is the default display control of look up.
When list box or combo box is used as display control in look up, it is important to specify the row source type (that is table, query or list of values or field list).
Some additional properties in case of list box or combo box are meant to specify the bound column whose values are copied to this field as references.
Number of columns to appear in the list box or combo box is determined by column count property.
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