sandookacha example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of sandookacha 1. जियाराम दबे पांव गया, धीरे से सन्दूकचा उतारा और बड़ी तेजी से कमरे के बाहर निकला। 2. यदि उसके पास सन्दूकचा होता और फिर इतना मौका मिलता कि उसे ताक पर रख आवे, तो कदाचित् वह उसे मौके को न छोड़ता, लेकिन सन्दूक उसके हाथ से निकल चुका था। 3. बार-बार कहता रहा, गहने का सन्दूकचा ताक पर मत रखो, मगेर कौन सुनता है।

Given are the examples of hindi word sandookacha usage in english sentences. The examples of sandookacha are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., cabinet.

A member of the British Cabinet was appointed Secretary of State for India and made responsible for all matters related to the governance of India.

He takes most of the decisions in the Cabinet meetings.
On 6 August 1990, the Union Cabinet took a formal decision to implement the recommendations.
The decision of the Cabinet was sent to the Department of Personnel and Training.
The senior officers of the Department drafted an order in line with the Cabinet decision and took the minister's approval.
The Prime Minister and the Cabinet are institutions that take all important policy decisions.
Usually the Cabinet Ministers meet to take decisions in the name of the Council of Ministers.
They participate in the Cabinet meetings only when specially invited.
Ministers of State are attached to and required to assist Cabinet Ministers.
Since it is not practical for all ministers to meet regularly and discuss everything, the decisions are taken in Cabinet meetings.
संबंधित शब्द सन्दूकचा के पर्यायवाची