saradaar example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
4. बरेली के हाफिजगंज में तीन बच्चों को बांके से काटकर मौत के घाट उतारने के बाद सरदार सुच्चा सिंह पर खून सवार हो गया थाlivehindustan.com5. नर्मदा बचाओ आंदालन की प्रमुख समाजिक कार्यकर्ता मेधा पाटकर ने सरदार सरोवर बांध में जलस्तर बढ़ने और बांध के विस्थापितों के मुद्दे पर मध्यप्रदेश की शिवराज सिंह सरकार को घेर लिया हैamarujala.com6. जीएसएफसी से सरदार ब्रांड के उर्वरकों में कमी करने का फैसला किया है jagran.com7. रियो डी जनेरियो में अगले महीने शुरू हो रहे ओलंपिक खेलों-2016 के लिए देश के दिग्गज गोलकीपर पी आर श्रीजेश को सरदार सिंह की जगह भारतीय हॉकी टीम की कमान सौंपी गईibnlive.com8. सरदार सिंह की छुट्टी, अब श्रीजेश संभालेंगे रियो में हॉकी टीम की कमान! ibnlive.com9. सरदार की सरदारी गई, टीम इंडिया को मिला नया कप्तान amarujala.com10. रियो डी जनेरियो में अगले महीने शुरू हो रहे ओलंपिक खेलों-2016 के लिए देश के दिग्गज गोलकीपर पी आर श्रीजेश को सरदार सिंह की जगह भारतीय हॉकी टीम की कमान सौंपी गईibnlive.comUsage and Example of saradaar 1. अंतत: यशोवर्मन के नेतृत्व में संगठित होकर उन पर आक्रमण किया गया और उनके सरदार मिहिरगुल को बंदी बना लिया गया। 2. इनमें से कुछ सरदार सातवीं शताब्दी के आरंभ में आक्रमणकारी हो गए। 3. इन्हीं में एक सरदार था कि सबको सँभाल लिया। 4. पर सरदार अड़ा है कि, ‘दवा आज ही से शुरू होगी। 5. तुम कबीले के सरदार द्वारा खरीदी हुई।
A shipping order is an instruction to the captain of the ship that the specified goods after their customs clearance at a designated port be received on board.
The goods are then loaded on board the ship for which the mate or the captain of the ship issues mate's receipt to the port superintendent.
Mars Space Control and the Centerville Public Library Captain Omega stands at centre, opening and closing card catalogue drawers in a confused fashion.
(speaking into a disk which is on a chain around her neck) Captain Omega to Mars Space Control.
Yes, that is quite correct, I will clarify that for you, Captain Omega.
Now, Captain Omega, take that large, colourful sandwich over there.
''It looks as though Captain von Stahle preferred to stay with you tonight, Stjernstrom'', he said to the master blacksmith, and turned on his heel.
In the rattrap lay also a letter written in large, jagged characters — “Honoured and noble Miss, “Since you have been so nice to me all day long, as if I was a captain, I want to be nice to you, in return, as if I was a real captain — for I do not want you to be embarrassed at this Christmas season by a thief; but you can give back the money to the old man on the roadside, who has the money pouch hanging on the window frame as a bait for poor wanderers.
Most of these letters were signed in the name of Captain Swing.Latest सरदार saradaar news and headlines :
1. 'एक तिरंगा', 'एक भारत' का श्रेय सरदार पटेल को: पीएम मोदीlivehindustan.com2. मुख्यमंत्री रघुवर दास ने कहा कि चाणक्य के बाद सरदार बल्लभ भाई पटेल ने ही भारत निर्माण में अहम भूमिका निभाई थीlivehindustan.com3. बरेली के तिगरा में सरदार सुच्चा सिंह, उसकी पत्नी जसप्रीत और तीन बच्चों के हत्याकांड का हाफिजगंज पुलिस ने खुलासा कर दिया हैlivehindustan.comGiven are the examples of hindi word saradaar usage in english sentences. The examples of saradaar are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., captain.
The social superiority of the amateur was also the reason the captain of a cricket team was traditionally a batsman: not because batsmen were naturally better captains but because they were generally Gentlemen.
A shipping order is an instruction to the captain of the ship that the specified goods after their customs clearance at a designated port be received on board.
The goods are then loaded on board the ship for which the mate or the captain of the ship issues mate's receipt to the port superintendent.
Mars Space Control and the Centerville Public Library Captain Omega stands at centre, opening and closing card catalogue drawers in a confused fashion.
(speaking into a disk which is on a chain around her neck) Captain Omega to Mars Space Control.
Yes, that is quite correct, I will clarify that for you, Captain Omega.
Now, Captain Omega, take that large, colourful sandwich over there.
''It looks as though Captain von Stahle preferred to stay with you tonight, Stjernstrom'', he said to the master blacksmith, and turned on his heel.
In the rattrap lay also a letter written in large, jagged characters — “Honoured and noble Miss, “Since you have been so nice to me all day long, as if I was a captain, I want to be nice to you, in return, as if I was a real captain — for I do not want you to be embarrassed at this Christmas season by a thief; but you can give back the money to the old man on the roadside, who has the money pouch hanging on the window frame as a bait for poor wanderers.
संबंधित शब्द सरदार के पर्यायवाची सरदार के विपरीत शब्द