sarjanaatmakata example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of sarjanaatmakata 1. ये सर्जनात्मकता के मात्र कुछ उदाहरण हैं। 2. रेणु इस पर्व की सर्जनात्मकता को रेखांकित करना नहीं भूलते। 3. इसमें मनुष्य की सर्जनात्मकता और सृजित होते मनुष्य का स्वभाव या प्रकृति दोनों प्रक्रियाएं एक साथ चलती हैं। 4. ऐसे प्रयास सर्जनात्मकता के साझे अवदानों की आधारभूमि को नष्ट करना चाहते हैं। 5. दलित लेखक जिस पीड़ा और वेदना के साथ लिख रहे हैं, उसमें सर्जनात्मकता के साथ प्रतिरोध की ताकत कुछ ही जगह है।

Given are the examples of hindi word sarjanaatmakata usage in english sentences. The examples of sarjanaatmakata are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., creativity, creativeness.

Since art is concerned with personal application of knowledge some kind of ingenuity and creativity is required to practice the basic principles learnt.

This gives rise to different styles of management The best managers are committed and dedicated individuals; highly trained and educated, with personal qualities such as ambition, self- motivation, creativity and imagination, a desire for development of the self and the organisation they belong to.
Here, you will learn that there are differences in the potential for creativity across individuals and the manner in which creativity is expressed.
Some may express creativity in writing, still others in dance, music, poetry, science and so on.
Manifestations of creativity can be observed in a novel solution to a problem, an invention, composition of a poem, painting, new chemical process, an innovation in law, a breakthrough in preventing a disease and the like.
We generally think of creativity in terms of creative persons like Tagore, Einstein, C.
n recent years, our understanding of creativity has broadened.
However, it has been said that they are not working at the same level of creativity as an eminent scientist or a writer.
Hence, we can say that individuals vary in terms of the level and the areas in which they exhibit creativity and that all may not be operating at the same level.
Einstein s theory of relativity is an example of the highest level of creativity which implies bringing out altogether new ideas, facts, theory, or a product.
संबंधित शब्द सर्जनात्मकता के पर्यायवाची सर्जनात्मकता के विपरीत शब्द