saadhikaar example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of saadhikaar 1. अभी तक की खोज के फलस्वरूप सीतावंगा गुफा को छोड़कर कोई ऐसा गृह नहीं मिला जिसे साधिकार नाट्यमंडप कहा जा सके। 2. अग्रीगेटर के मालिक जो हैं वो साधिकार मुझ से कह सकते हैं। 3. " वह साधिकार बोल रही थी। 4. लड़का अपनी माँ से साधिकार कहता है कि अब आप नौकरी छोड़ दीजिये, साथ में रहिये, अब शेष उत्तरदायित्व उसका। 5. मिश्रजी गद्य में भी साधिकार लिखते हैं।

Given are the examples of hindi word saadhikaar usage in english sentences. The examples of saadhikaar are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., authorised, authoritatively, authorized, authoritative.

This column is meant to store the identity of the employee who has authorised the vouchers.

No, Debit, Credit, Amount, Narration, Authorised By, Prepared By on the left hand side and Choose the Account to Debited and Choose the account to be Credited on the right hand side of Access voucher Form design of which is shown in Figure 1 The attached labels are automatically appended to the Form when other controls such as Text boxes, List boxes, Combo boxes, etc.
The list controls have been deployed against Debit Account, Credit Account, Prepared By and Authorised By.
A perusal of the above Access Form for Credit oucher reveals that there are four labels: oucher No, Date, Prepared By and Authorised By in Dark bold letters.
To the right of labels Authorised By and Prepared By are List Box controls to get and display the first name of employees.
20,000 is not authorised by an employee whose EmpId = A001 .
The war against Iraq was not authorised by the UN Security Council.
and has authorised some agencies to act as inspection agencies.
For ensuring quality, the government has made it compulsory for certain products that these be inspected by some authorised agency.
For obtaining such a sanction, the importer has to make an application to a bank authorised by RBI to issue foreign exchange.
संबंधित शब्द साधिकार के पर्यायवाची साधिकार के विपरीत शब्द

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