se? example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest सेँ se? news and headlines :
1. नेपाल के धार्दिङ जिला के लफांग में हुई बस दुर्घटना में 50 यात्रियों में सें 20 की मौत हो गईlivehindustan.com2. समझौते से न आपसी सहमति से, राममंदिर बनेगा संसद के कानून सेः तोगड़िया jagran.com3. सभी मिलकर लड़ रहे हैं बीजेपी सेः नलिन कोहली LiveHindustan
4. क्या आप अपने यौन जीवन सें असंतुष्ट हैं? इसके पीछे कहीं न कहीं आपका स्मार्टफोन जिम्मेदार हो सकता है

Given are the examples of hindi word se? usage in english sentences. The examples of se? are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., themselves, oneself, personally, by oneself, myself.

Emotional intelligence involves the ability to perceive and manage one s and other s feelings and emotions; to motivate oneself and restrain one s impulses; and to handle interpersonal relationships effectively.

They may themselves supply the capital needed to run the enterprise, or they may borrow the capital.
Individual consumers often find themselves in a weak position.
They levied taxes on traders, artisans and articles of trade and sometimes donated the right to collect these taxes to local temples, which had been built by themselves or by rich merchants.
More than half of the people identified themselves as being close to one or the other political party.
All night the roots work to disengage themselves from the cracks in the veranda floor.
The climate in winter months is so harsh that people keep themselves engaged in festivities and ceremonies.
Now it consists of two pieces, the blade which is made out of the wood of the willow tree and the handle which is made out of cane that became available as European colonialists and trading companies established themselves in Asia.
Now it consists of two pieces, the blade which is made out of the wood of the willow tree and the handle which is made out of cane that became available as European colonialists and trading companies established themselves in Asia.
They saw it as a collection of castes and races and religious communities and gave themselves the credit for unifying the sub-continent.
संबंधित शब्द

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