seni example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word seni usage in english sentences. The examples of seni are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., tier, range, rank, nature, portfolio, division, class, grade, remove, curve, totem pole, rate, course, position, queue, bank, train, waiting line, row, line.

Do you know that people first travelled by train only about 150 years ago?पता है लोगों ने मात्र डेढ़ सौ साल पहले रेल से यात्रा करनी शुरू की थी?

In the course of the day she meets customers for a general feedback and any suggestions that they may have.
However, one question that needs to be addressed pertaining to the nature of management is whether it is a science or an art or both? In order to answer this let us examine the features of both science and art to see how far management fulfills them.
They are usually known as division heads, operations manager or plant superintendent.
Different kinds of business require different structures according to the nature of work.
Coordination is an all pervasive function: Coordination is required at all levels of management due to the interdependent nature of activities of various departments.
He has to position the advantages that outsourcing to India offers in terms of lowered costs and access to a wide talent-base, while expertly addressing concerns on weak areas like infrastructure in India.
n Class , you have learnt about psychological principles that are applied to understand human behaviour.
n this chapter, you will study the nature of intelligence, changing definitions of intelligence, cultural differences in intelligence, range and variations in the intellectual competencies of people, and the nature of special abilities or aptitudes.
You have learnt about some of these methods in Class .
संबंधित शब्द सेणि के पर्यायवाची

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