saurabhamaya example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of saurabhamaya 1. अपनी सुरभि से संसार को सौरभमय बना देती है.।

Given are the examples of hindi word saurabhamaya usage in english sentences. The examples of saurabhamaya are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., aromatic, redolent, perfumed, sweet.

For alkenes, alkynes and aromatic hydrocarbons, spring models can be constructed.

Benzene ring is highly unsaturated but in a majority of reactions of aromatic compounds, the unsaturation of benzene ring is retained.
However, there are examples of aromatic hydrocarbons which do not contain a benzene ring but instead contain other highly unsaturated ring.
The nomenclature and isomerism of aromatic hydrocarbons has already been discussed in Unit 1 All six hydrogen atoms in benzene are equivalent; so it forms one and only one type of monosubstituted product.
Sigma complex or arenium ion loses its aromatic character because delocalisation of electrons stops at sp3 hybridised carbon.
To restore the aromatic character, ? -complex releases proton from sp3 hybridised carbon on attack by [AlCl4]– (in case of halogenation, alkylation and acylation) and [HSO4]– (in case of nitration).
Benzene and benzenoid compounds show aromatic character.
Aromaticity, the property of being aromatic is possessed by compounds having specific electronic structure characterised by Hückel (4n+2)? electron rule.
The remaining electron at each carbon is delocalised in molecular orbitals, which in turn give aromatic character to molecule.
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