stimita example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word stimita usage in english sentences. The examples of stimita are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., humidity, moisture, wet, damp, dampness, calm, stability, stableness, constancy, steadiness, fixity, stagnation, stagnancy, immobility, dank, moistened, raw, moist, humid, static, stable, steady, stationary, intent, constant, steadfast, still, motionless, pacific, firm, ground, rest, dead, stagnent, immobile, unchanging, four square, fixed, stock still, definitive, quiet, at rest, unmoved, equable, untrembling, settled, sure, stagnant, immobile, quiet, static, upset, statuesque.

People from across the frontiers also came into the subcontinent and settled here. These movements of people enriched our cultural traditions.उपमहाद्धीप के बाहर से भी कुछ लोग यहाँ आए और यहीं बस गए| लोगों के इस आवागमन ने हमारी सांस्कृतिक परंपराओं को समृद्ध किया|

In many areas, men and women still continued to hunt and gather food, and elsewhere people adopted farming and herding slowly, over several thousand years.कई जगहों पर स्त्री-पुरुष शिकार और भोजन-संग्रह करने का काम करते रहे थे वहीं अन्य लोगों ने हज़ारों सालों के दरम्यान धीरे-धीरे खेती और पशुपालन को अपना लिया|
HCL is today a leader in the IT industry, employing 41,000 professionals and having a global presence in 16 countries spanning locations in the US, Europe, Japan, ASEAN and the Pacific Rim.
Yet again when software development was still in the nascent stages, Shiv Nadar took the lead and today HCL is a force to reckon with in the global markets.
Despite all developments in technology getting work done through people is still a major task for the manager.
A quiet digital revolution is reshaping the lives of farmers in remote Indian villages.
For example, the phenomenon of an apple falling from a tree towards the ground is explained by the law of gravity.
A very important aspect of management is to make sure that the right people with the right qualifications are available at the right places and times to accomplish the goals of the organisation.
What does this imply? Rajat Lal is the director of a firm that develops software solutions for the travel industry on a global level.
He represents a US software services firm that outsources project work to its delivery partners in Gurgaon, the software hub of North India.
संबंधित शब्द

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