hastakaushal example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word hastakaushal usage in english sentences. The examples of hastakaushal are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., pass.

Supervisory management plays a very important role in the organisation since they interact with the actual work force and pass on instructions of the middle management to the workers.

These PASS processes operate on a knowledge base developed either formally (by reading, writing, and experimenting) or informally from the environment.
The more recent theories representing information-processing approaches, e.g. Sternberg s triarchic theory and Das s PASS model describe the processes underlying intelligent behaviour.
Since traders had to pass through many kingdoms and forests, they usually travelled in caravans and formed guilds to protect their interests.
A series of markets that are connected like links in a chain because products pass from one market to another.
That only came to pass when the political pressure to isolate South Africa applied by the newly decolonised nations of Asia and Africa combined with liberal feeling in Britain and forced the English cricket authorities to cancel a tour by South Africa in 1970.
These hormones originating in the hypothlamic neurons, pass through axons and are released from their nerve endings.
Having been through the experience, yet survived it and staying alive, these persons may develop a positive outlook on life and, with empathy, pass on this attitude to other survivors.
The exhaust gases containing unburnt fuel, CO and NOx, when pass through the converter at 573 K, are converted into CO2 and N We can also reduce the acidity of the soil by adding powdered limestone to neutralise the acidity of the soil.
It is not very wise to think that the legislatures will pass legislations that go against the interest of all the political parties and MPs.
संबंधित शब्द हस्तकौशल के पर्यायवाची

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