Meaning of ganana karna in english
Interpreting ganana karna - गणना करना
As noun : test Ex:  I ran out of time before I could finish the test .
put at Ex:  , pieces that we put at the end of a story or other book, to prove the truth of the facts advanced y figure Ex:  One figure who is well-known count Ex:  At each lobby are two Tellers who count the votes of the Lords. work Ex:  I like to work in this institute of Information Technology.
As verb : enumerate Ex:  Apart from these general meanings, as in many others which form idioms, and which we cannot enumerate the most important compute Ex:  John Machin was the first to compute 100 decimals of π calculate Ex:  Archaeologists calculate that the original bridge had 295 arches
Other : to repute to figure Ex:  It even managed to figure in the Duke of Monmouth suppute to compute Ex:  John von Neumann used ENIAC to compute 2037 digits of π in 1949 to calculate Ex:  Dynamic Science and absolutely dynamic, female name, part of mixed mathematics that applies to calculate the motion of material bodies subjected to the action of any mechanical forces to reckon to count Ex:  The most basic is to count the total value of pieces of both sides. reckon to account Ex:  A good government, therefore, had to account for that reality. repute account Ex:  A good government, therefore, had to account for that reality.
Suggested : to check over (the separate units or groups of a collection) one by one to determine the total number add up enumerate a numerical symbol, especially an Arabic numeral the means by which the presence, quality, or genuineness of anything is determined a means of trial to determine by calculation reckon calculate to mention separately as if in counting name one by one specify, as in a list
Word of the day
ganana karna
can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :
gaNanaa karanaa