Meaning of gadhee parat ke sath,gadhi parat ke sath in english

Interpreting gadhee parat ke sath,gadhi parat ke sath - गाढ़ी परत के साथ
As noun :
thickly Ex:  By analogy, Wheelbase language, Impasto of voice, embarrassed state of the thickly
Suggested : having relatively great extent from one surface or side to the opposite not thin
Exampleगाढ़ी परत के साथ का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of gadhee parat ke sath,gadhi parat ke sath

Word of the day
gadhee parat ke sath,gadhi parat ke sath can be used as noun.. No of characters: 16 including consonants matras. Transliteration : gaa.Dhii parata ke saatha

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