Meaning of galee dene vala munhaphat nindatmak,gali dene vala munhaphat nindatmak in english
Interpreting galee dene vala munhaphat nindatmak,gali dene vala munhaphat nindatmak - गाली देने वाला मुंहफट निन्दात्मक
As adjective :
abusive Ex:  It is mainly used colloquially to express employee abusive Influence various grades in the administration
Suggested : using, containing, or characterized by harshly or coarsely insulting language
Word of the day
galee dene vala munhaphat nindatmak,gali dene vala munhaphat nindatmak
can be used as adjective.. No of characters: 32 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :
gaalii dene vaalaa mu.nhaphaTa nindaatmaka