Meaning of gaharaee men janana,gaharai men janana in english

Interpreting gaharaee men janana,gaharai men janana - गहराई में जानना
As verb :
plumb Ex:  Reset the wedge ; change the balance, plumb
Suggested : a small mass of lead or other heavy material, as that suspended by a line and used to measure the depth of water or to ascertain a vertical line Compare plumb line
Exampleगहराई में जानना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of gaharaee men janana,gaharai men janana

Word of the day
gaharaee men janana,gaharai men janana can be used as verb.. No of characters: 15 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : gaharaaii me.n jaananaa

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