Meaning of ganda in english

Interpreting ganda - गन्दा
As noun : murky उ:   इससे पटलचित्र कुछ गंदा और भद्दा हो जाता है।
sleaze उ:   शेष बचा भोजन जल को गंदा करता है। evil Ex:  Go to source of evil उ:   यह गंदा शब्द होने की वजह से पाद के बारे में कोई चर्चा नहीं करता। sordid Ex:  Interest sordid messy Ex:  All my papers are messy dirty Ex:  It is very confusing, dirty and disgusting. waste Ex:  The waste from milling is sometimes mixed into a prepared animal feed. turbid into a state dingy nasty mess Ex:  Jerry made a mess of the kitchen . bastard Ex:  Cow bastard cow whose milk decreases to a second litter shop soiled smutch unclean Ex:  The morals unclean in a state Ex:  Yet both societies are in a state of change. tip Ex:  Camille crossed the southeastern tip of Louisiana, and then hit near Bay St. snotty nosed seedy shopworn black Ex:  It is usually black or dark brown . pig Ex:  Calf Foot, sheep, pig coarse Ex:  coarse Fraud उ:   उसका पात्र जो करता है वह कोई गन्दा कार्य नहीं है। unkempt Ex:  The specifications of this pupil is unkempt उ:   फिर उसके ऊपर खिड़की खोल कोई भी गन्दा पानी तो फेंक ही सकता था।
As verb : stinking
As adjective : dusty Ex:  Spiral galaxies are disk-shaped assemblages with curving, dusty arms. mucky filthy Ex:  A writer, filthy writer scruffy Ex:  A young man scruffy grubby dirty Ex:  A dirty room उ:   वायु को जितना गन्दा करें, उतना ही उसे शुद्ध भी करना चाहिए। untidy Ex:  His clothes were untidy smutty
Other : rancid Ex:  Lard yellow, rancid vile Ex:  A vile seducer rotten Ex:  The rotten food was emitting a gangreous odour. obscene Ex:  Author of writings, obscene drawings bad (of temper morbid Ex:  Especially in terms of medicine, Locate a morbid condition unkempt Ex:  substantively, was blamed him unkempt its holding snotty-nosed hoggish dowdy feculent piggish scurrilous squalid Ex:  By the year 1984, the society of Airstrip One lives squalid poverty sordid Ex:  It is a vile interest, a sordid interest that makes him act foul Ex:  When a ball is hit outside the foul lines impure filthy Ex:  About filthy nasty
Suggested : soiled with smut grimy not tidy or neat slovenly disordered not combed soiled with dirt foul unclean composed of relatively large parts or particles
Exampleगन्दा का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of ganda Antonyms of ganda

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1. कैसे चलता था जिस्म का गन्दा खेल... - जानकारी के मुताबिक, गोवा के रीबान्दर इलाके में एक हाई प्रोफाइल सेक्स रैकेट चल रहा था bhaskar.comRelated words :
ganda can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. Transliteration : gandaa

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