Meaning of gilti in english
Interpreting gilti - गिल्टी
As noun : tumour उ: गिल्टी फूटती है और फूटकर नासूर बन जाती है।
luschkas tonsil उ: दो तीन सप्ताह के भीतर गिल्टी उभर आती है, या लसीका ग्रंथि सूजती है। tonsilla adenoidea उ: स्टेम कोशिका ना तो विभेदित हुई और ना ही वे गिल्टी में तब्दील हो पायी। tonsilla pharyngealis third tonsil adenoid pharyngeal tonsil
Other : gland Ex:  A large parotoid gland lies behind each eye. hard grandular swelling wen scirrhosity
Suggested : Pathology a benign encysted tumor of the skin, especially on the scalp, containing sebaceous matter a sebaceous cyst Anatomy
a cell , group of cells, or organ producing a secretion Usually, adenoids an enlarged mass of lymphoid tissue in the upper pharynx, often obstructing breathing through the nasal passages See diag under tonsil a swollen part swelling protuberance
Exampleगिल्टी का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of gilti
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Related words :
As noun : गिल्टी ताऊन - bubonic plague गिल्टी प्लेग - bubonic plague
As adjective : गिल्टी वाला - adenoidal
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from modification of Hindi language by locals .
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