Meaning of gov in english
Interpreting gov - गॉव
As adjective :
rural Ex:  this year we will be going to rural areas under agritourism. उ: एन/एच३१पर एक गॉव है।
Suggested : of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the country, country life, or country people rustic
Word of the day
Related words :
Other : गोवँद - गोवत्स न्याय - cow-calf principle गोवध - cow-slaughter गोवना - गोवर - गोवरधन - गोवर्द्धन - गोवर्धन - govardhan hill गोवर्धन धारी(रि्न्) - गोवल - गोवलिया - गोवाना - गोवि -
can be used as adjective.. No of characters: 3 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :