Meaning of gudee mudee hokar baithana,gudi mudi hokar baithana in english

Interpreting gudee mudee hokar baithana,gudi mudi hokar baithana - गुड़ी मुड़ी होकर बैठअना
As verb :
curl up
Suggested : to form into coils or ringlets, as the hair
Exampleगुड़ी मुड़ी होकर बैठअना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of gudee mudee hokar baithana,gudi mudi hokar baithana Antonyms of gudee mudee hokar baithana,gudi mudi hokar baithana

Word of the day
gudee mudee hokar baithana,gudi mudi hokar baithana can be used as verb.. No of characters: 23 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : gu.Dii mu.Dii hokara baiThaanaa

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