Meaning of gunda in english

Interpreting gunda - गुन्डा
As noun : hooligan उ:   उनके पिता सलुवा गुंडा चंद्रगिरि के राज्यपाल थे।
ruffian mugger Ex:  The mugger assaulted the woman उ:   एक स्थानीय गुंडा भी उसी लड़की के साथ प्यार में है। mobster tough Ex:  A tough metal
As adjective : unruly mob
Other : lout Ex:  , It is a packhorse, said of a Sot, a lout bully Ex:  The bully of the old comedy was admitted to the length of the rapier dangling at his side dissolute person
Exampleगुन्डा का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of gunda Antonyms of gunda

Word of the day
gunda can be used as adjective.No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. Transliteration : gunDaa

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