Meaning of (गल्ला) galla in english

As noun : yield Ex:  Electrolysis of brine to yield chlorine also produces hydrogen as a co-product. उ:   यह संसार में गल्ला और मांस की सबसे बड़ी मंडी है।
kind Ex:  There is also more specific kind of chance उ:   इनके पर कपड़ा, गल्ला आदि का व्यवसाय होता था। crop Ex:  Cotton is the leading crop and the state's second-most-valuable farm product. yield Ex:  Electrolysis of brine to yield chlorine also produces hydrogen as a co-product. उ:   यह संसार में गल्ला और मांस की सबसे बड़ी मंडी है। produce Ex:  These mutagens produce several different types of change in DNA sequences cereal Ex:  Plant food includes cereal grains, berries and fruit. food Ex:  After eating oily food he always feels fatulent. corn Ex:  19% of the corn production, and 20% losses in sugar canes. herd Ex:  They walk with the young as the herd travels drove Ex:  They drove away and left us here . scrum Ex:  MISERABLE also means Who inspires pity contempt scrum or indignation horde Ex:  A horde of brigands huddle school Ex:  He tried to recapture the pleasures of school life. group Ex:  While the Muslim League was a small elite group in 1927 with only 1300 members shoal Ex:  We échouâmes on a shoal multitude Ex:  Due to its multitude of diverse nest Ex:  Of the rest of the procellariids the majority nest in burrows or crevices plague Ex:  Moses called down a plague on the Pharoah . army Ex:  Wireless the messages to the army front. section Ex:  As mentioned in the preceding section contingent Ex:  Cuba also volunteered, sending a contingent of physicians to the country. clan Ex:  It should be noted that Arafat's clan squad Ex:  In 2000 the Vancouver Police Department established a specialized drug squad cohort Ex:  antiquity distinguished name of the Prime centurion among the Romans, that is to say, one who commanded the first company in each cohort panel Ex:  Each member of the panel selected five cricketers. team Ex:  Arun was vetted carefully and selected in the team troop Ex:  The troop transport Kinryu Maru was also hit and eventually sank. caucus Ex:  First he finished well behind in the Iowa caucus regiment Ex:  MRDs had three motorized rifle regiments and a tank regiment member Ex:  Each Minister must be a member of one of the houses of India's Parliament. gang Ex:  Max fronted for a gang of thieves . party Ex:  Mary and her girlfriend organized the party brigade Ex:  The rest of the brigade way Ex:  The baby was a boy
Get out of my way boy
side Ex:  Whose side are you on, John? Come on . blade Ex:  The scoring blade helps reduce splintering in certain types of stock interest Ex:  Major interest for Buddhism emerged during colonial times force Ex:  Lord Chelmsford had under him a force of 5000 Europeans and 8200 Africans corps Ex:  50 of 57 army corps generals band Ex:  Eric Carmen and his band company Ex:  The company declared the tranche of the new share. posse wave Ex:  The tides are caused by the tide wave from the North Atlantic pack Ex:  They usually remain free of pack ice in winter noise Ex:  Chicago's Big Black was a major influence on noise rock clamour shout Ex:  shout against someone
Other : flock Ex:  As Tony dies in Maria's arms, the Jets and Sharks flock around the lovers . till Ex:  The coals smoldered till late at night.
He was smouldering with anger.
Suggested : to bring into existence give rise to cause to give forth or produce by a natural process or in return for cultivation the cultivated produce of the ground, while growing or when gathered of a good or benevolent nature or disposition , as a person to give forth or produce by a natural process or in return for cultivation
Exampleगल्ला का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of गल्ला:
1. ऊंचे भाव से गल्ला व्यापार में खासी हलचल है bhaskar.com2. अनाज बेचने गल्ला मंडी आ रहे ट्रैक्टर की ट्राली पलटने से उसमें सवार आधा दर्जन लोग घायल हो गए, वहीं एक वृद्ध की मौत हो गईamarujala.com3. मुरादाबाद में बदमाशों का कहर, गल्ला व्यापारी की हत्या
(गल्ला) galla can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Hindi and/or Persian language . Transliteration : gallaa

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