Meaning of (गूँज) gunj in english

As noun : plangency उ:   गूँज रही थी मात्र कर्ण की धन्वा की टंकार।
reverberation उ:   सारा आकाश जै श्री जगन्नाथ के नारों से गूँज उठता है। buzz उ:   थोड़े ही समय में दिल्ली सैंकड़ों उर्दू कवियों की वाणी से गूँज उठी। echo Ex:  Shout under the arch of the bridge, the echo reply you उ:   यह सब मुक्त भाव से हो और भीतर ही भीतर गूँज बनकर रह जाय। sonority reverberance resonance Ex:  This is known as the 2:3 resonance vibrancy repercussion hum sonorousness
Other : buzzing Ex:  The buzzing of a fly growling Ex:  The one, the one that keeps growling humming roaring ring Ex:  To complete the ring road
Suggested : moving to and fro rapidly vibrating the state or quality of being resonant a repetition of sound produced by the reflection of sound waves from a wall, mountain, or other obstructing surface a low, vibrating, humming sound , as of bees, machinery, or people talking a reechoed sound
Exampleगूँज का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(गूँज) gunj can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : guu.Nja

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