Meaning of (ग्रामयुद्ध) gramayuddha in english
As noun : riot Ex:  " He runs off into the city street and incites a riot
rioting Ex:  The events spanned three days of rioting affray trouble Ex:  Towards the end of his career Vrba had trouble getting grant money flare up hubbub tumult Ex:  Meeting people where reign the tumult and confusion disturbance Ex:  Faire disturbance
Other : violence Ex:  She has also protested the Iraq War and violence against women.
Suggested : to disturb the mental calm and contentment of worry distress agitate a public fight a noisy quarrel brawl a noisy, violent public disorder caused by a group or crowd of persons, as by a crowd protesting against another group, a government policy, etc, in the streets swift and intense force a noisy, violent public disorder caused by a group or crowd of persons, as by a crowd protesting against another group, a government policy, etc, in the streets
Word of the day
(ग्रामयुद्ध) gramayuddha
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 10 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
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