Meaning of ghrrinaspad,ghrinaspad in english

Interpreting ghrrinaspad,ghrinaspad - घृणास्पद
As noun : loathly
offensive Ex:  The capture of the Alpine region also served the next offensive in 12 BC arch Ex:  A dome is a three-dimensional application of the arch repellent Ex:  Tree repellent repellant verminous
As verb : nauseating Ex:  Lyrics nauseating
As adjective : repugnant Ex:  It is repugnant to common sense, n has no common sense, not the shadow of common repulsive Ex:  SEC is still used as a prefix to these phrases: Dry Food, Good drink, drink no water; Reply dry dry speak to someone, make him a tough response, abrupt, repulsive abhorrent detestable Ex:  He does detestable to loathsome wicked Ex:  This wicked plot was discovered execrable Ex:  This water has an execrable taste nauseous
Other : hateful Ex:  It also means that you Repulsion violent causes a person or thing frightening or hateful despicable Ex:  Commit yourself with someone, Getting in contact with despicable people spiteful odious Ex:  It is odious to testify against the truth
Suggested : causing distaste or aversion repulsive Architecture
a curved masonry construction for spanning an opening, consisting of a number of wedgelike stones, bricks, or the like, set with the narrower side toward the opening in such a way that forces on the arch are transmitted as vertical or oblique stresses on either side of the opening causing resentful displeasure highly irritating, angering, or annoying causing repugnance or aversion distasteful, objectionable, or offensive
Exampleघृणास्पद का हिन्दी मे अर्थAntonyms of ghrrinaspad,ghrinaspad

Word of the day
ghrrinaspad,ghrinaspad can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : ghRRiNaaspada

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