Meaning of ghanishth rup se sambaddh in english

Interpreting ghanishth rup se sambaddh - घनिष्ठ रूप से सम्बद्ध
As noun :
involved Ex:  Nikola was involved in Albanian politics. उ:   निकोला का अल्बेनियन राज-नीति से घनिष्ट रूप से संबंध था
Suggested : very intricate or complex
Exampleघनिष्ठ रूप से सम्बद्ध का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of ghanishth rup se sambaddh Antonyms of ghanishth rup se sambaddh

Word of the day
ghanishth rup se sambaddh can be used as noun.. No of characters: 21 including consonants matras. Transliteration : ghaniShTha ruupa se sambaddha

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