Meaning of ghira hua in english
Interpreting ghira hua - घिरा हुआ
As noun : encircled Ex:  The Ethiopian army was encircled by the two armies in the Battle of Das
ringed Ex:  Make curly and ringed like wool of a sheep enveloped Ex:  Gangtok is often enveloped in fog during the monsoon and winter months.
As verb : wreathed
As adjective : sullen
Other : overcast Ex:  It's a gray time or simply, it is gray, the weather is overcast and a little cool parochial Ex:  The parochial church of St. limited Ex:  His role was not limited to being a priest bound Ex:  Once HIV has bound to the target cell
Suggested : to wrap up in or as in a covering showing irritation or ill humor by a gloomy silence or reserve having or wearing a ring or rings to form a circle around surround encompass a circular band of flowers, foliage, or any ornamental work, for adorning the head or for any decorative purpose a garland or chaplet
Exampleघिरा हुआ का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of ghira hua Antonyms of ghira hua
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Usage of घिरा हुआ:
1. सिटी को हाईवे से जोड़ने वाला विजय नगर चौराहा अवैध टेंपो स्टैंडों से घिरा हुआ हैamarujala.com2. यह घने जंगलों से घिरा हुआ है bhaskar.com3. घने जंगलों से घिरा हुआ है ये इलाका... -रांची से करीब 150 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर स्थित है नेतरहाट bhaskar.comRelated words :As noun : घिरा हुआ स्थान - area
ghira hua
can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including vowels consonants matras.
Transliteration :
ghiraa huaa